Documents & Resources

TAHSN Guidelines for Submission Required of Undergraduate Nursing Learners for Final Consolidation of Specialty Placements
February 2025

This document and resume template provides guidance to healthcare institutions that are part of TAHSN's Toronto Hospital Education Table in the final consolidation of undergraduate nursing learners seeking placements in specific patient care areas/specialties (e.g., critical care and babies units). These guidelines aim to create a fair and transparent selection process for clinical placement opportunities, ensuring that all candidates are evaluated based on comprehensive and standardized information.


TAHSN guidance for the process of mitigating security risk in research across TAHSN & and advice on Tri-Agency, CFI and Ontario research security requirements for grants
May 2024

Guidance to TAHSN institutions and their respective research institutes, as applicable, to help guide the process around appropriately mitigating security risk in research, in compliance with Canadian regulatory and funder requirements and with an understanding of the requirements in other jurisdictions. This document provides a set of recommended guidelines that each institution is encouraged to consider and incorporate into their processes and governance. They also include an overview of grant research security processes. These guidelines were developed by the TAHSN Research (TAHSNr) Committee's Research Partnership Security Working Group. For more information, please visit the website of the Research Security Team, under the Division of the Vice-President Research and Innovation Office, University of Toronto:


TAHSN - Ensuring Safety of our Hospital Communities
February 2024

TAHSN Statement regarding ensuring our hospitals and academic institutions remain safe for all.


TAHSN Toolkit: Responding to Learner Mistreatment from Faculty, Staff, and Other Learners
December 2023

The information in this toolkit is intended to support TAHSN hospitals and all of their associated clinical teaching environments (referred to as ‘TAHSN hospitals’ in this document) in addressing learner mistreatment. This document provides guidance for various situations, but should not be presumed or construed as complete or exhaustive. These options may not be appropriate for/applicable to every situation. The education leader (e.g., Director and/or Vice President of the Education department/program at your institution) will need to assess each situation individually. Within the guidance of this Toolkit, applicable policies and legislation (including the academic partner’s policies and processes), and their own role, to identify the best course of action.


Toolkit for TAHSN Physician Wellness Leaders
December 2023

Toolkit for individuals leading wellness initiatives for clinicians in TAHSN organizations, in order to support standardization and adoption of best practices that promote clinician well-being.


TAHSN Guidelines for Research Ethics Board processes and practices 
Updated November 2023

Guidance for TAHSN institutions on relevant institutional policies and best practices related to Research Ethics Board (REBs) processes, divided into specific priorities. These guidelines were developed by the TAHSN Research (TAHSNr) Committee's Research Ethics Board Working Group.
Institutional Training - Recommended Guidelines
Use of Clinical Trials Ontario for Multi-Centre Studies - Recommended Guidelines
Review of Quality Improvement / Quality Assurance Projects - Recommended Guidelines
Research Ethics Board Appeals Process - Recommended Guidelines


Enhanced Extern Program Toolkit and Orientation Handbook
October 2023

This toolkit and orientation handbook contains guidelines, high-level principles and resources to standardize (with flexibility) the scope of practice and utilization of enhanced externs (also called clinical externs) across TAHSN hospitals. This toolkit and orientation handbook was created by the TAHSN Practice Committee's Enhanced Extern Program Working Group.


TAHSN Statement on Sustainable Procurement
July 2023

The TAHSN Sustainable Health Systems Community of Practice working group on sustainable procurement hosted a CFO symposium in the spring of 2023. A key outcome was strong support for collaborative movement forward, including the development of a collective commitment to address the environmental impact of purchasing as healthcare organizations.



TAHSN Guideline for Responding to Learner Mistreatment Arising from Patients, Families or Visitors (Guide for Faculty, Supervisors and Learners)
TAHSN Quick Reference Flow Chart for Responding to Learner Mistreatment Arising from Patients, Families or Visitors (Excerpt from Guide)

January 2023

Guidance for faculty, supervisors and learners at TAHSN hospitals on how to respond to, and debrief, an incident of mistreatment a learner has experienced with a patient, patient's family member, or visitors.


Context and Guidance Regarding Use of Simple D/MTA Template (Please read first)
TAHSN Simple Data/Material Transfer and Use Agreement Template
July 2022

Simple, harmonized Data/Material Transfer and Use Agreement (D/MTA) template to promote the efficient and timely exchange of research data and materials across TAHSN institutions and researchers. Please carefully review the associated context and guidance document which includes criteria regarding the appropriate use of this template.


TAHSN Standards for Religious Attire for Health Care Workers, Learners and Volunteers in Hospital Areas with Sterile Procedures
June 2022

Standards and shared expectations related to clothing worn by religiously observant individuals working in hospital areas with sterile procedures. Examples and demonstration of the standards are available in educational videos which complement the standards document.


TAHSN General Guidelines for Intellectual Property (IP) Policies
March 2022

Guidance for TAHSN institutions in establishing or updating local Intellectual Property policies. This guideline was developed by the TAHSN Research (TAHSNr) Committee's Intellectual Property Guideline Working Group.


TAHSN Statement on Systemic Racism in Healthcare
October 2020

Acknowledgement of systemic racism, particularly anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism, in the healthcare system and a commitment to work towards the goal of eradicating it.


TAHSN Learner Orientation Guidelines and Sample Welcome Letter
TAHSN Welcome Letter Template (MS Word file)
August 2020

Recommendations developed by the TAHSNe Leaner Engagement Orientation Task Force to support an excellent student experience by providing timely and relevant information to learners before they start their clinical placement. The overall goal is to create consistent communication for learners across TAHSN.


TAHSN Perceptions of Orientation of Health Professional Learners - Summary Report and Recommendations
January 2018

Report summarizing the findings and recommendations specific to learners’ experiences related to orientation across TAHSN. A qualitative study which identified key aspects of learners' orientation and facilitated understanding of learners' perception of preparedness for clinical placement.


TAHSN Person Centered Language for Responsive Behaviours
December 2016

Guidance on person centered language which promotes the use of language that is specific, objective, respectful and free of judgement or bias when describing behaviors. Document is intended to serve as a framework for hospitals to facilitate a shared understanding of the language used to describe responsive behaviours amongst inter-professional staff and care providers.